Southwest Corridor Park - Assessment Dashboard Report


I.Concerns/Issues - With Responses/Updates/Milestones

#Date Priority Code (See KEY below)COMMENTS, CONCERNS AND ISSUESAny Updates or Milestones?
Maintenance | 1... |
Maintenance | 1... |
Maintenance | 1... |
Maintenance | 1... |
Maintenance | 1... |
Maintenance | 1... |
Maintenance | 1... |
Maintenance | 1... |
Maintenance | 1... |
Maintenance | 1... |
Maintenance | 1... |
Maintenance | 1... |
Maintenance | 1... |
Priority CodePriority CodePriority Code
Maintenance | Trash barrels are frequently overflowing. There are not enough trash barrels and the ones that are here need to be emptied much more frequently. Trash spills onto the ground and the rats have a fiest.. Complicating this is the fact that some barrels are frequently used for household trash disposal. ... |

9/24/2022 7:41:20 AM | | | John Burke (PMAC) continues to work with Ben & with the exterminator contractor. Park staff are providing extra trash collection during the week and exterminator has increased bait boxes. Residents and PMAC members are meanwhile hopeful for other (less toxic, more effective) rodent control options.

7/5/2022 2:37:18 PM | | | John Burke (PMAC) spoke with DCR staff during the Carleton Court dog park on-site meeting, and followed up with Ben Gedeon. While the trash collection contract is fixed in place, there are options to move trash barrels. Will follow-up further.

Priority CodePriority CodePriority Code
Maintenance | Community gardeners in the Back Bay/South End have reported an issue with rats and request a rodent control box in the community garden.... |

9/24/2022 7:48:59 AM | | | Done, and see above.

Priority CodePriority CodePriority Code
Bike/Walking Path | Behind Mass. Ave. station there is a speed-bump-like bump in the path that is very hard for wheelchair users, bicyclists or others to cross. There has been some work done on this spot but it still needs more work.... |
Priority CodePriority Code
Maintenance and Landsacaping | tree damage from storm - consider replacing trees that were cut down/fell down.... |
Pandemic related?
Maintenance and Landscaping | trash, dead leaves are accumulating along the sides of the path (gutters)... |
Priority CodePriority CodePriority Code
Maintenance and Landscaping | Brick pavers are missing by the W. Newton St. section and cold patch has been used to fill in the holes. This is very unsightly... |
Priority CodePriority CodePriority Code
Maintenance and Landscaping | There is a long-time drainage problem in the area along the tracks along Lawndale Street. The water (and ice) make it hard for park users to walk, run, dog-walk, etc., along this pathway. ... |

8/30/2021 | | | Work was completed during summer 2021 to add gravel, re-level the ground, and clean drains.

5/21/2021 8:39:26 AM | | | As an interesting landscape and engineering question -- here is a link to an old map of the Stony Brook drainage area, showing perhaps a tributary stream into Stony Brook.

5/21/2021 8:22:38 AM | | | The park manager has asked that this drain cleaning be prioritized. Meanwhile, we are learning more about the causes of the drainage issue (slope, water-table-level) and recognize that it is more than a drain-cleaning issue. This area is widely used, but was not designed as a pathway and has some features that make the water/ice/mud a common issue. A thought to consider -- is a rain garden or other strategy feasible and worth considering? (NOTE: This is rated a "2" in the last criteria because while drain cleaning is a first step, other things like a rain garden could be considered.

1/8/2021 11:43:28 AM | | | There was discussion about this issue at the Jan. 5th 2021 PMAC meeting. DCR has a drain cleaning contractor who is stretched across multiple parks; DCR is aware of our concerns.

Priority CodePriority CodePriority Code
Maintenance and Landscaping | Johnson ball field has drainage issues.... |

II.General Updates and Milestones

KEY: Priority codes are based on three criteria:

IMPACT: Does this issue affect park safety and/or usability of park features? 3 is highest priority.
DOMAIN: Is this issue within the domain of park staff, park volunteers and/or public safety partners? 3 represents issues that are defintely in the domain of park staff, volunteers or public safety partners, while 1 or 2 represents issues that are multi-faceted, requiring a citywide or statewide solution or other solutions not within our control.
PLAN: Is there an agreed-upon approach or an agreed-upon plan to address this issue? 3 represents issues that have a clear, agreed-upon plan or approach, including projects that have been agreed on or that are routine maintenance.

The Southwest Corridor is a state park managed by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation

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